What is CLO Testing?

CLO stands for Campylobacter-like organism and is also known as the Rapid Urease Test. This diagnostic test is used for the detection of Helicobacter pylori by finding the presence of urease. Urease is an enzyme that is produced by Helicobacter pylori. Helicobacter pylori bacteria, or H Pylori, previously called Campylobacter Pylori, are stomach bacteria that can cause the development of stomach ulcers. The bacteria penetrate the stomach lining, causing it to weaken and makes it vulnerable to stomach acid. The H. Pylori bacteria can be very damaging, and can cause stomach inflammation and sometimes even cancer. The CLO testing is performed during an endoscopy. The scope used for the endoscopy will search your stomach for any type of visible damage, and if any is found, the CLO test biopsy test will be conducted. A sample is taken and then put in a medium that contains urea. A marker is used to determine if there is a chemical reaction taking place to suggest the H. Pylori bacteria is present in the stomach. The CLO testing is usually ordered if you are experiencing symptoms that could indicate the presence of a stomach ulcer, such as pain, nausea, bloating, belching, or indigestion. Blair Gastroenterology Associates specializes in endoscopic procedures and would be happy to accommodate your need for this type of testing. Please be sure to contact our office or speak to your primary care doctor today about referring you to one of our specialists.

Preparing to Receive your CLO Test from Blair Gastroenterology and Allegheny Regional Endoscopy

Since this test is done during an upper endoscopy, the usual preparations for an endoscopy are followed. Before the procedure, you will be asked to not eat or drink for at least 6 hours, to ensure your stomach is empty. You will also need to stop taking certain blood-thinning medications in the days prior to your procedure. Blood thinners may increase your risk of bleeding during an endoscopy. After your procedure, although you may feel mentally alert, your memory and reaction times and judgment may sometimes be impaired. Because of this, you will need someone to drive you home. You will be instructed to rest at home after your procedure and return to work or school the following day. If the CLO test does indicate the presence of the H. Pylori bacteria, your doctor will discuss treatment options, which often times includes medicines such as antibiotics and proton pump inhibiters. Because of the seriousness of these bacteria, it is extremely important to take all prescribed medicines and follow your doctor’s instructions carefully.