Frequently Asked Questions

Does Blair Gastro see children ?

“Blair Gastroenterology’s highly trained gastroenterologists take pride in providing the highest level of care to our adult patients. We are happy provide that care to patients ages 16 to 17 by scheduling with Dr. Alkhafaji.”

What if I need a prescription refill?

Because of the high volume of refill requests, we encourage you to obtain all prescription refills during your office visits. If you need a prescription refill please contact our nursing department during regular business hours. You may also request a medication refill anytime through our Patient Portal. Prescription requests after 5:00 pm will be processed the next business day.

Does Blair Gastro accept my insurance?

Blair Gastro accepts payment from most insurance companies including Medicare, Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Physicians Health Plan, Medicaid, and several others. If your insurance requires an authorization from your primary care physician, you may be asked to assist us in obtaining this authorization. All patients are responsible for all copays and deductibles at the time of service. If you have any questions regarding your benefits or coverage please contact your insurance company.

What if I have a question about my bill?

Please contact our Revenue Cycle Department during regular business hours. They will be happy to assist you. 814-946-5469

What if I can’t keep my appointment?

We ask for you to contact us as soon as possible if you are unable to make your scheduled appointment. This allows us to fill that appointment with our waiting list.

How do I get a copy of my medical records?

In order to protect confidentially of your records you will be asked to sign a form that gives us permission to release this information. You can obtain a form from our office. You may also request records though our Patient Portal.